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For Professionals

Cinical Supervision


I am a qualified Clinical Supervisor (integrative) and am happy to support professionals in their clinical work. The focus of all supervision is the well-being of the client and I will support you in looking critically at the dynamics that emerge within the context of your client work – so that you can be the best that you can be in your work.  I am aware that your client work can sometimes hook into sensitive areas of your own history and experience. Supervision can be a place to help unravel such entanglements. A 90 minute session costs 90 euros.




I provide training sessions for professionals. Training topics I cover include:


       Grief & Loss Processes

       Spiritual Care at the End of Life

       Working with the Superego (inner critic)

       A spirituality for our times



I can provide Inservice training for school staff on "Managing Bereavement in Schools" and "Teaching Religious Education in a Secular Society".















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